Weissenhofsiedlung 1, House 14-15, Le Corbusier & Pierre Jeanneret

Inkjet print on aluminium, white frame

Ed. 1/5 sold

The series Weissenhofsiedlung consists of five works with different variations of controlled light damage on the negatives. The series takes its point of departure in the architecture exhibition Weissenhofziedlung in Stuttgart, which opened in 1927 with the Functionalist icon Mies van der Rohe as artistic director. The criteria for the apartment blocks in the competition required all facades to be white and all roofs to be flat. But most of these houses were in fact painted in bright colours, although the black-and-white photographs in the catalogue maintained the impression of whiteness. The whiteness of the modern architecture was disseminated through the press, an impression that is still being reproduced.

40 x 50 cm
Edition: 5
NOK 15,000.00
+ 5% art tax

Espen Gleditsch (b. 1983, Holmestrand, NO) holds an MFA from the Academy of Fine Art in Oslo.

Gleditsch works mainly with photography and text. His projects often take historical events, artworks or architecture as points of departure, where shifts of meaning and misinterpretations have played a decisive role in their dissemination and reception. In recent exhibitions antique sculpture, architecture and colour have been recurring motifs. In his works, Gleditsch explores the mechanisms behind historiography, the construction of historical narratives, unintended shifts of meaning and diffuse borders between subjective experience and objective facts.

Gleditsch is acquired by Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, KORO (Art in Public Norway), The University of Oslo, Preus Museum, The Møller Art Collection, Storebrand Art Collection, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norges Bank, MoMA library, artist book collection and Haugar Kunstmuseum.

Sanatorium Stenersen (solo, upcoming), Villa Stenersen, Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo, NO
Solo (upcoming), Jugendstilsenteret & Kube - Kunstmuseet Kube, Ålesund (NO)
The Present (group), QB Gallery, Oslo, NO
Enter Art Fair (group), Copenhagen, DK
On the Whispering Wind (solo), QB Gallery, Oslo, NO
Marmorvariasjoner (group), Bogstad Gård, Oslo, NO
mmmMarbles (solo), Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, NO
New Visions (group), Henie Onstad Art Centre, NO
Den Siste Festen (group), QB Gallery, Oslo, NO
25-year Anniversary Exhibition (group), Haugar Art Museum, Tønsberg, NO
Munchs Hus (group), Haugar Art Museum, Tønsberg, NO
Polymorphous Magical Substance (solo), Bergen Kunsthall, NO
The Young Lions (group), Preus Museum, Horten, NO
Lucia (group), QB Gallery & Blomqvist Kunsthandel, Oslo, NO
Dislocating Surfaces - New Scandinavian Photography (group), Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, NO
A Place by the Sea, Noplace, Oslo, NO & Frama, Copenhagen, DK
Polymorphous Magical Substance (solo), Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, NO
White Lies (solo), Fotogalleriet [format], Malmö, SE
Black Mountain. An Interdisciplinary Experiment 1933 – 1957, performance program (group), Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, DE
All maten du åt og tankene i hjernen (group), Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, NO
Lucia, Main, 2017

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