Espen Gleditsch

Espen Gleditsch (b. 1983, Holmestrand, NO) holds an MFA from the Academy of Fine Art in Oslo.
Gleditsch works mainly with photography and text. His projects often take historical events, artworks or architecture as points of departure, where shifts of meaning and misinterpretations have played a decisive role in their dissemination and reception. In recent exhibitions antique sculpture, architecture and colour have been recurring motifs. In his works, Gleditsch explores the mechanisms behind historiography, the construction of historical narratives, unintended shifts of meaning and diffuse borders between subjective experience and objective facts.
Gleditsch is acquired by Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, KORO (Art in Public Norway), The University of Oslo, Preus Museum, The Møller Art Collection, Storebrand Art Collection, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norges Bank, MoMA library, artist book collection and Haugar Kunstmuseum.
Kunstavisen, 2022: Myter om marmor
Klassekampen, 2022: Udelikat marmor
Sørlandet Kunstmuseum, 2022: Hvor ble det av fargen i modernistisk arkitektur?
NRK, 2020: Kulturstripa (audio)
The Chromarty, 2018: Espen Gleditsch and his blindspots of modernism
Bergen Kunsthall, 2017: Espen Gleditsch og Dag Erik Elgin i samtale (video)
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