
Two-color silkscreen print, custom engraved frame

Work is sold in frame

The series is based on screenshots from various digital platforms: social media, advertising, dating sites, chat rooms, pornography, audition videos and sports. Unlike their photographic origins, the pixelated screens are rendered in multiple colors. The works are enlarged, which creates a grainy effect that fit perfectly with the choice of screen printing as a medium. The viewer can look at the work more precisely from a distance, but is tempted to study the details. The viewer is asked to assess who and where the photo is from based on one's own experiences and perceptions of gender identity, internet culture and balance of power. Furthermore, the work is framed in an engraved frame which further relates to internet culture.

74 x 60 x 4 cm
Edition: 3
NOK 27,000.00
+ 5% art tax

Christian Tunge (b. 1989, NO) holds a BFA in photography from the University of Gothenburg (2015). Tunge works primarily with photography, printing and art books. He is interested in how todays society relate to images, and several of his recent photo series deal with digital image sharing. Tunge has made a name for himself within the graphic medium and has in resent years produced several of his artworks as prints rather than traditional photo-prints. In 2022, Tunge was awarded the Norske Grafikeres Fonds graphics prize for a series of riso prints exhibited during the annual Autumn Exhibition. Several of his more recent works have ornamented frames, an element that plays on the historical and traditional design of frames, as well as the current use of signs and images in digital communication. Tunge explores photography as a medium and photography’s development in today’s society in a number of ways. In addition to his own artistry, he is the founder of the art book publisher Heavy Books, which specializes in printed publications from young artists. The publications are at the intersection between books and works of art, and come in limited editions. Tunge is also one of the people behind the artist-run photo gallery MELK, which opened its doors in 2009.

The Present (group), QB Gallery, Oslo, NO
Primrose Paths (solo), QB, Oslo, NO
Christian Tunge @ Oslo Negativ (solo), Den gamle veterinærhøgskolen, Oslo, NO
Høstutstillingen (group), Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, NO
Xs and Os (solo), QB, Oslo, NO
BOOKS, TABLES, COFFEE (group), Golsa, Oslo, NO
Den Siste Festen (group), QB, Oslo, NO
Still Life (group), QB, Oslo, NO
Long Lust Love (solo), Golsa, Oslo, NO
Too Familiar to Ignore, Too Different to Tolerate (solo), NoPlace, Oslo, NO
Vårutstillingen (group), MELK, Oslo, NO
Lucia (group), QB, Oslo, NO
Fading Forms (group), Entrée, Bergen, NO
Felt (group), Röda Sten Konsthall, Gøteborg, SE
Go! Figure! (group exhibition), Telemark Kunstsenter, Oslo, NO
Gøteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art (group), Gøteborg, SE

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