Tarjei Bodin Larsen

Tarjei Bodin Larsen (b. 1974 in Arendal) lives and works in Oslo. He´s a graduate from Chelsea College of Art and Design in London and the Academy of Fine Arts in Oslo, and has studied philosophy at the University of Bergen.
His minimalist works join the ranks of modernist art where the viewer is confronted with strong and vivid contrasts. Larsen places himself in the extension of minimalism's hard-edge painting, where the visual elements are predetermined - and where chance has no place. Imi Knoebel, Barnett Newman and Ellsworth Kelly are important references. The works are free of traces of the artist's hand on the work, which makes it reminiscent of a mechanical process, despite the fact that they were carried out by the artist himself. The technique is calculated and apparently visually impersonal. The colors appear in parallel; alternately support and destabilize each other. Within an apparently stable color attitude, frictions and energetic feints arise. Despite the high energy, the works are muted by the use of fabric-tape as a consistent element in many of Larsen's works. The effect can be compared to the felt in a pool table which underplays the clink of the balls as they are pushed out towards the edge in abstract paths.
Larsen has had solo exhibitions at, among others, Arendal Art Association, Sørlandet's Art Museum, the Artists' Association and Bomuldfabriken Kunsthall. He has also participated in group exhibitions at places such as the National Museum, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Galleri Trafo and Blomqvist art store. Tarjei Bodin Larsen has been purchased by the National Museum, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bomuldfabriken Kunsthall, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum and others.
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