Christian Tony Norum

Christian Tony Norum (b. 1980 in Oslo) has his education from The National Academy of Arts in Oslo. His works can seem like a play between different techniques, mainly painting, sculpture, performance, and installations. Norum combines art historical references with his own personal observations and creates characteristic and personal expressions in the different formats. His works are characterized by expressive and dynamic gestures and rich color combinations, reminiscent of modernist abstraction. By using abundant references Norum creates a forceful, free, and unbound imagery that expresses a contemporary zeitgeist.
He is in numerous private and public collections, amongst others The National Museum in Oslo and Storebrand Art Collection.
"Stipendgrossist med vilter originalitet", Dagsavisen, 2017
"Et rockeliv", Stian Gabrielsen, Kunstkritikk, 2016
"Bartenderne bak maleriet", Mariann Enge, Kunstkritikk, 2016
"Tar opp arven etter Munchs grafikktradisjon", Heidi Borud, Aftenposten, 2015
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