The Garden Edge #3

Charcoal and acrylic on linen canvas

150 x 150 cm
NOK 78,000.00
+ 5% art tax

Linda Soh Trengereid (f. 1984) holds a degree from the Art and Design Academy in Bergen.

Her drawn and painted canvases give associations to hand coloured photographs, balancing between fact and fiction, a sort of alternative realism where the motifs are taken out of time and place. Trengereid works serially in varying sizes, from small and intimate to large formats that fill the entire field of vision. The starting point for each motif is places she has visited. Trengereids’s background as an adopted child from South Korea can be said to have an underlying influence here. In the execution of her images, Trengereid works layer upon layer with charcoal and and acrylics towards her desired hybrid between a drawing and a painting. The acrylic paint can sometimes erase parts of the drawing, other times she retouches the paintings with coal again on top. The people in her works are often absent or appear as empty sections of untreated canvas where the paint has partially penetrated through. Only the contours of human life stands out, defined by the surrounding landscape.

Trengereid has been acquired by Stavanger Kunstmuseum, Haukeland University Hospital, the University of Bergen and Fana Kulturhus, amongst others. She has public decorations at REV Ocean (2020), Tertnes VGS (2018-2019) and Klostergarasjen in Bergen (2015).

(upcoming solo), Høyersten Contemporary, Bergen, NO
Slinten i øyet (group), Nitja senter for samtidskunst
Bytting (solo), Kuben, QB Gallery, Oslo, NO
Blunk - The Trond Mohn collection (group), Stavanger Kunstmuseum, Stavanger, NO
Life, Death, and Rebirth (group), Høyersten Contemporary, Bergen, NO
Utopia (group), Tegnerforbundet, Oslo, NO
Transformations (group), MELK, Oslo, NO
Verden er mindre enn ingenting (group), Kristiansand Kusthall, NO
Into the wild (group), QB, Oslo, NO
The Garden Edge (solo), Visningsrommet USF, Bergen, NO
As far as my eyes can sea (group), Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, Arendal, NO
Fugleperspektiv (duo), BOA, Oslo, NO
Mylder (solo), Kunstgarasjen, Bergen, NO
Mylder (solo), LNM, Oslo, NO