
KOPP x QB Gallery
Curated by Pettersen & Hein and Camilla Schmidt
Alexander Kirkeby (DK), Ali Shah Gallefoss (NO), Audar Kantun (NO)
Bahraini-Danish (DK/BH), Bull & Krogstad (NO), Cathrine Raben Davidsen (DK)
Carl Emil Jacobsen (DK), Cody Hoyt (US), David Taylor (UK), Henrik Ødegaard (NO)
Jenny Nordberg (SE), Johanne Marie Jensen (DK), Jon Pilkington (UK)
Kajsa Willner (SE), Karl Monies (DK), Kasper Hesselbjerg X Claus Haxholm (DK)
L.A. / Anne Strandfelt & Lizet Hee Olesen (DK), Lars Worm (DK)
Marianne Skarbøvik X Victoria Günzler (NO), Marta Armengol (ES) X Paul Hance (F)
Marthe Elise Stramrud (NO), Pettersen & Hein (NO/DK), Philipp Schenk-Mischke (D)
Play with Fire (DK), Rasmus Høj Mygind (DK), Rose Eken (DK)
Rune Bering (DK), Stian Korntved Ruud (NO), Theis Wendt (DK)
Tron Meyer (NO), Wang & Söderström (SE)
39 Scandinavian and international artists and designers are interpreting the physical space between people through a study of the cup as both a medium and an intermediary object.
The exhibition is also a tribute to the pause, as the cup plays a crucial role in allowing the intimate space of presence that is created through a unique morning ritual, an afternoon break, or a meeting between friends. Here the cup becomes the material link in the encounter between people.
Each artist has delivered their interpretation and exploration of the cup, which has resulted in a broad spectrum of materials, formats and abstractions.
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