Randi Nygård

Randi Nygård (b. 1977, Bergen) has a master's degree from the Academy of Fine Arts at NTNU in Trondheim. She works mainly with drawing, collage, installation and text. Climate and social structures are recurring themes in Nygård's work. In recent years, she has taken scientific facts and hypotheses about what crosses society and the social with the forces and abilities of nature as her point of departure. Through three-dimensional collages, drawings and installations, she visualizes her own hypotheses about the human-nature relationship. Nygård describes her work as visual models of complex and invisible relationships, and is inspired by natural processes, such as glaciers breathing and that words in similar syllables often stand for things with similar visual forms. The question ´What significance do art and culture have when climate and environment are in dramatic change?´ is particularly relevant for Nygård's artistry, which believes that art can function as a tool for producing rational facts and knowledge about climate and environmental challenges facing the world.
Nygård is part of the international collaboration Ensayos, an interdisciplinary project where artists, social and natural scientists and philosophers investigate topics related to political ecology.
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